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John Donnelly
Engineer with Snowy Hydro
About me:
I am a long time resident of Jindabyne and am an avid skier, mountain bike rider and worn out Snowy River Bears player. I have 3 children who were raised in the local area and my wife is a local girl.
Live each day the best you can, be optimistic, don’t sweat the small stuff and appreciate the love of family and friends!
Why I am participating:
On a positive note, my father is one of the lucky ones who had his cancer diagnosed early and treated quickly. However, I also watched the horrible suffering from Mesothelioma of my father in law and his family, which had no cure and limited means of easing the pain to him. So I'd like to do whatever I can to help find some means to diagnose cancer better and ease the suffering of the victims and their family and friends.
My Choreographers are:
Rosie O’Sullivan and Kim Neville
Monaro Committee for Cancer Research Incorporated
The Monaro Committee for Cancer Research was formed in 1996 by the daughter of a young Monaro mother who after a 5 year struggle lost her battle with cancer. Since its inception the mcCr has supported cancer outreach services on Snowy Monaro. In 2007 after much lobbying, a local oncology service was introduced to the Cooma Hospital. Local support raised in excess of $100,000 towards this project and today we have a successful outreach oncology service. mcCr is a local voluntary group of dedicated women working towards further cancer support and services for the Snowy Monaro Region.Your support will enable mcCr to continue this assistance for cancer sufferers.
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